Q: Why am I getting too much black smoke?
A. Too much black smoke can be caused by incomplete combustion or too much moisture content
in the wood. Make sure you have 20% moisture content or less in the wood.
Q: What do I do if flames come out of the mouth of the oven?
A. If you have flames coming out of the mouth of the oven, you likely overloaded the oven. 9 sticks
is enough wood to reach temperatures up to 1000 degrees. It is also important to take weather
into consideration. On a windy day you will introduce a lot of oxygen into the Duomo. You can
use the door to contain the fire inside the oven, which will choke out the oxygen.
Q: What if my pizza oven isn't heating up?
A. The oven may not have been heated up for long enough. The Duomo needs at least 30-45
minutes for preheating. It is important to ensure that there is not too much moisture in the
wood. Make sure you have 20% moisture content or less in the wood.
Q: Why is my crust charred by my toppings are undercooked?
A. If your crust is charred, but your toppings are undercooked, radiant heat in your grill is working.
If the top is not cooking, it means convection has slowed. You want to begin by checking the
thermometer. If the temperature has dropped, you may need to add wood. Keeping white-hot
flames is critical in keeping the convection rolling.
Q: Why are my toppings charred by my crust is uncooked?
A. Having the toppings charred but the crust uncooked is a common problem. We recommend is
keeping the wood in the center of the oven while preheating. Leaving the wood in the center
during the 30–45-minute preheating process allows the bricks enough time to heat up.
Moderate the fire so you don't have big flames increasing the convection the inside the oven.
Please contact Coyote Outdoor Living Customer Support for assistance.
Phone: 855-520-1559